Pull in an approval

When to use this procedure

Use this procedure to bring an approval for this customer forward into the sale when he or she purchases the item(s) out on approval. The selected customer must have an approval on file to complete this procedure.

Steps to complete

  1. On the Sales Invoice window, click Appv. The Select Approval window displays.
  2. Highlight the appropriate approval.
  3. Click Select. The Sales Invoice window displays and all items on the approval are added to the Items Sold grid.
  4. If necessary, change any of the items added from the approval.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for as many approvals as necessary.

Note: Once the sale is saved the approval is removed from the customer's account. However, the approval will remain outstanding if any items from the approval were deleted from the invoice. You must complete the Return Approval process to return into inventory any items the customer had out on approval but did not purchase.

Did you know? You can right-click in the Items Sold grid and select Pull In Approval to complete this procedure.